Want to sell Aboriginal Artifact
The process is really easy.
Take a couple of images of the Aboriginal Artifact you want to sell and send them to me by email, along with the dimensions. Please include photos of any labels or damage.
I dont need gallery quality photos, I have been doing this for ages and deal with all sorts of images. Often it is easiest to just take the artifact outside and take a photo in the shade.
The value of your aboriginal artifact will depend on it’s condition, age, size rarity and of course how aestetically pleasing it is
I endevour to pay the best price.
Please feel free to show it to your local auction house or other dealers and come up with the price if you want. I know this is often quite difficult so if you have no idea of what your piece is worth then show it to me and I will make you an offer
Once a price has been settled I will send you money by direct bank transfer or paypal.
I have great clients for top quality pieces, so I can pay good prices and still make a profit.
Often people will sell aboriginal aboriginal artifact at auction and I source many underpriced artifacts at auction every year. The problem with auction is that you need two people in the room who know what your piece is worth and who have the money and are willing to pay for it.
If you want to sell aboriginal artifact that is a masterpiece I can also sell on a commission basis.
Some Aboriginal artifacts are secret and sacred and can not be legally sent out of Australia.
Other Artifacts
If you are not sure if your artifact is from Aboriginal Australia still feel free to send me an image. There is a good chance i will know where it is from and be able to help.