Jack Karedada belonged to the Wunumbal-speaking peoples, whose country is in the Kimberley between the Prince Regent River and the King Edward River. He was a traditional painter of Wandjina and leader of a family of Wandjina painters. He was married to Rosie Karedada, his brother Louis was married to Lily Karedada. The aim of this article is to assist readers in identifying if their aboriginal bark painting is by Jack Karedada by comparing examples of his work.
If you have a Jack Karedada bark painting to sell please contact me. If you just want to know what your Jack Karedada painting is worth to me please feel free to send me a Jpeg. I would love to see it.

The majority of his Wandjina paintings are on an arc-shaped piece of bark framed across the top and down both sides by bentwood attached to the bark. Jacks Wandjina are very similar to another of his brothers Kutwit Manila. With Jacks work the halo above the head is enclosed by a brush stroke and not free ended as seen with Kutwit’s Wanjina.
Jack was a pioneer Wandjina painter, along with Charlie Numbelmoore Wattie Karruwara and Mickey Bungkuna.
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Jack Karedada Bark Paintings Images
The following bark painting are not a complete list of works but give a good feel for the variety and style of this artist.