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Jimmy Mijawmijaw Crocker island Artist

Jimmy  Mijawmijaw Crocker Island Bark Painter The aim of this article is to assist readers in identifying if their aboriginal bark painting is by Jimmy Mijawmijaw. It compares and discusses examples of his work. He painted bark painting in the Crocker Island style. He...

Jimmy Midjawmidjaw Aboriginal bark painter

Jimmy  Midjawmidjaw Crocker Island Bark Painter The aim of this article is to assist readers in identifying if their aboriginal bark painting is by Jimmy Midjawmidjaw. It compares and discusses examples of his work. He painted bark painting in the Crocker Island...

Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw : Crocker Island artist

Jimmy  Midjaw Midjaw Crocker Island Bark Painter The aim of this article is to assist readers in identifying if their aboriginal bark painting is by Jimmy Midjaw Midjaw. It compares and discusses examples of his work. He painted bark painting in the Crocker Island...

Paddy Compass Nobadbara bark paintings

Paddy Compass Nobadbara : Painter of Magic Paddy Compass Nobadbara began painting on Croker Island from as early as 1941 at the mission at Minjilang. The bark paintings Paddy Compass Nobadbara produced are fluid and uninhibited. Many of his paintings are sexual and...