Eastern Australian Broad Shield
Aboriginal broad shield from Eastern Australia

It’s been quite a journey but my sincere thanks to you for your expertise, counsel and guidance. You’ve been a fantastic help and very patient with me and my questions.
If I manage to find anything else lying around the house of tribal origin, I’ll drop you an email!
Many thanks”
Eastern Australian Broad Shield
This superb early Aboriginal broad shield was sold by private treaty on behalf of an Englishman who contacted me. “Wedged in my downstairs bathroom there is a shield on the wall that has always intrigued me” The shield had for many years been in his country home in Devonshire. The shield had been collected by his great Grandfather and had been passed down through the generations.
When given the estimate he simply wrote back “Having now fallen off my chair I’m absolutely lost for words”.
Several months later I am pleased to say it sold for the upper range of the estimate.