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Charlie Rock Ngumbe Bark Paintings

Pair of Charlie Rock Ngumbe bark Paintings for sale.

Object type: Pair of bark paintings

Locality: Port Keats

Artist: Charlie Rock Ngumbe

Circa: 1975

Length: 61 cm and 68 cm


This early pair of bark paintings by Charlie Rock Ngumbe are in very good condition and I think are the most elegant examples of this artist’s work. I call them a pair as they were bought at the same time and are nearly the same size. They have distinctive oval shapes of early Port Keats barks and sacred blue pigment not found on later barks. The barks measure 61 cm for the one depicting a snake eating a bird and 68 cm for the more abstract bark. They would date to the 1960’s Other examples of Charlie’s works can be found at the National Museum of Australia

Price: SOLD  the pair

More Information on Charlie Rock Ngumbe